The Fundamentals of Business Data Communication

Data communication allows digital and electronic information to move between two networks, regardless of whether the sender or receiver are located geographically or what data is contained. Companies that utilize the technology can boost their efficiency and competitiveness through better communication. It also provides the basis for altering business processes to make them more efficient and creative.

In today’s increasingly data-driven society the ability to find valuable information from a massive amount of information and communicate the knowledge to others is essential to the success of any company. These skills are developed through the study of three main areas Understanding Data, Extracting Valuable Information and Effective Communication. Students who are considering a career that involves business or information management should have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of data communication.

This bestseller is highly praised for its accuracy and clarity, as well as its cutting-edge design. It gives students an extensive understanding of information communication and networking including network and hardware designs to security and LANs. The text starts with a discussion of the requirements, then an examination of the communication and networking alternatives to meet those requirements.

The text has as its goal to present technical material in a way that is useful to employees and managers of businesses. To achieve this, the material is organized around the needs and applications rather than focusing solely on the fundamental technology.

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