Meeting Room Management is an essential component of a successful workplace. The best meeting rooms are equipped with the required technology for video conferencing, presentations, hybrid meetings and more. They are quiet and free of distractions, so employees can concentrate on their work. Often times, however these rooms are not utilized to the fullest extent.
Inconsistency in coordination leads to wasted time looking for spaces or spending more than necessary on conference calls. The ability to book a room from any device, regardless of the location, is key to meeting productivity. It allows organizations to manage equipment, amenities and capacity of rooms more efficiently.
Another important characteristic of a booking app for meeting rooms is the ability to sync calendars. This allows any changes or cancellations to be made in real-time and helps avoid scheduling conflicts. This allows teams to find spaces easily, eliminating the necessity for paper planners and other systems that don’t automatically sync up with calendars.
Noise is an annoyance and can cause distraction in a meeting. It can interrupt the flow of conversation, disrupt on a video call, or even block out a presentation. Noise-reduction devices in your meeting rooms can ensure that everyone is heard, and that the meeting is productive.
Define and communicate clearly the guidelines for using meeting rooms. Make clear the time in advance that members of your team can reserve a room and how long a single session can last. This will help you reduce conflicts in scheduling and free up rooms to be used by other people.