How to Select a Data Room Service

Data room services provide an secure, virtual space to share information during due diligence, M&A, financing, bankruptcy, and other business processes and transactions. The information shared in these situations could be confidential or sensitive and it is therefore essential to protect this information. Making use of a data room in order to share files can save time and money as opposed to physical or email documents. Finding the right data room requires a bit of initial research to determine which features will be the most advantageous for you and your situation.

There are many providers of data room services, each with distinct features. Some focus on security, others on communication and user experience, and still others offer an array of both. A few of the most popular options are Firmex, VDRSimple, iDeals, Intralinks, and Merrill Datasite.

The majority of data rooms provide access permissions for users that are granular, which ensure confidentiality and allow users to only access relevant content. Some also provide multiple factor authentication, along with time and IP access restrictions to prevent unauthorized downloads or usage. Some even offer internal messaging, which can cut down on the need for external communication tools like email, and help reduce redundant communication.

A few companies have added value by providing additional services that help speed up the due diligence process, such as document scanning and transcription, and eDiscovery. These are usually added cost, but they could be worth it for smaller firms or complex transactions.

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